Bars Demo

1. A simple bar

2. A bar with button

3. A bar with schedule

4. A bar with button and schedule

5. A bar with message animation as flash

6. A bar with message animation as slide

7. A bar with message animation as shadow

8. A bar with message animation as swing

9. A bar with button animation as emitting

10. A bar with button animation as rubber band

11. A bar with button animation as swing

12. A bar with button animation as tada

13. A bar with button animation as wobble

14. A bar with button animation as jello

15. A bar with scrollable image background

16. A bar with custom image in the message

17. A bar with message animation as rolling from left to right

18. A bar with message animation as rolling from right to left

19. A bar with two messages and message animation as slide

20. A bar with two messages and message animation as fade

21. A bar with load style as push in from top to bottom

22. A bar with load style as push in from left to right

23. A bar with load style as fade in

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